June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
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June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy and independent life? Increase your chance of making that happen by learning about Alzheimer’s disease and how to reduce your risk. A recent study by the Alzheimer’s Association reported an estimated 6.5 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. That’s one in every ten adults, aged 65 and…

Progression of Alzheimer's Disease
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The 7 Stages of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia which gets progressively worse. It usually begins with mild short-term memory loss which doesn’t appear to be problematic. Since even those without Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia experience memory slipups, it usually isn’t until the condition gets worse that Alzheimer’s is diagnosed. As the brain and nervous system…

What’s the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
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What’s the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

No one wants to go through, or watch as a loved one develops, Alzheimer’s or any other type of dementia. Although often used interchangeably Alzheimer’s disease is actually one subset of dementia. Dementia Dementia is a set of symptoms. Alzheimer’s disease is one of many diseases that can cause dementia symptoms. The word “dementia” is…

Covid-19 and Brain Fog
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Covid-19 and Brain Fog

Hopefully you haven’t had Covid-19. If you have, then I hope you aren’t among the group with persistent health problems. They have come to be known as “long haulers”. Some of the most common symptoms they describe six months after COVID-19 infection are confusion, fatigue and memory loss — brain fog. It impedes their ability…

bills cause stress
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What Does Chronic Stress Do To Your Brain?

5 Serious Consequences Most of us are accustomed to the acute stress response. It can be brought on by the thought of a work deadline, or rushing to catch the train for that morning commute. For me the most common cause is the phone ringing in the middle of the night when I’m on call….

What Is Vascular Dementia?
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Vascular Dementia

Being a neurosurgeon, I see a lot  of brain MRI scans. I’m usually looking for stroke, tumor, blood or excessive cerebrospinal fluid. More and more often I see evidence of previous small strokes. When I mention this, patients are almost always surprised. Even if I’m seeing them because they’ve just had a stroke, they never…

Is Alzheimer’s Hereditary?
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Is Alzheimer’s Hereditary?

Alzheimer’s disease is one of several forms of dementia. Dementia is a general syndrome which includes Alzheimer’s and other similar conditions. Vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), mixed dementia and Parkinson’s disease are other conditions which can cause symptoms sometimes similar to Alzheimer’s. Any disease or affliction which damages the brain can result in…

7 Stages of Alzheimer’s
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7 Stages of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that gets progressively worse. It usually begins with short-term memory loss which may not appear to be a significant problem. Since even those without Alzheimer’s or any type of dementia have memory slipups, it usually isn’t until the condition gets worse that this mental health problem is diagnosed. As…

STROKE — What Is It?
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STROKE — What Is It?

You know you don’t want one. You know it’s dangerous. Even if a stroke doesn’t kill you, you could end up disabled, dependent, unable to return to your previous life. But what exactly is a stroke? A stroke is what happens when a part of the brain doesn’t get enough blood flow. Blood carries oxygen…