Your Memory Is Like A Muscle – Give It A Workout
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Your Memory Is Like A Muscle – Give It A Workout

​​ This is #2 of the Series to Improve Your Brain Health and Memory. We’ve touched on the importance of memory as the storage and filing system of your brain. I’m sure you’ve encountered frustrating memory lapses — forgetting why you walked into that room, or not remembering where you put your keys. While these…

Sleep Man & Baby
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What Your Brain Needs To Function

Optimize your brain health and you will do the same for its function. Start with these 4 basics… Sleep First make sure you are getting adequate sleep. Studies show that those who are sleep deprived are less able to focus on a task. Extreme sleep deprivation can even mimic drunk driving. Nutrients Next, you must…

Physical Fitness and Immunity
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Physical Fitness and Immunity

For many of you who asked whether your exercise is contributing to a healthier immune system, the answer is YES! At the same time that exercise is  making your brain healthier and your heart stronger, it’s also reducing your risk of stroke and dementia. There are a lot of pluses when it comes to exercise….

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2020, COVID-19, Quarantine 15

Happy New Year and goodbye to 2020! Most people would probably describe 2020 as a pretty bad year. Certainly there were some shining moments. Some people graduated from high school, college, grad school… Others got married. Babies were born. Yes, good things happened but everything was overshadowed by COVID-19 and the need for social distancing…

6 Tips to Help You Sleep Better
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6 Tips to Help You Sleep Better

You know that a good night’s sleep will make a huge difference. But what if with everything that’s going on you’re just not getting that quality sleep you know you need? What can you do?  Here are 6 simple lifestyle changes to try starting today. Experiment. See what works for you. 1. Avoid eating late…

First Step Toward Optimal Brain Health
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First Step Toward Optimal Brain Health

How have you been spending the last three months? Have you been: eating more comfort foods? isolated from family and friends? unable to get to the gym to work out? one of the “Essentials” working and worrying about getting sick? None of those are healthy, not for your body or your brain. Let’s look at…

Are Your New Year’s Fitness Goals Attainable?
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Are Your New Year’s Fitness Goals Attainable?

We’ve all done it — set a New Year’s fitness resolution and given it up after a few weeks or months. But have you ever stopped to consider why you gave up? Most likely it was because your goal was either too lofty or not well defined. Next time you set a fitness goal, make…

5 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year Fitness Goals
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5 Tips to Help You Stick to Your New Year Fitness Goals

For 45% of us New Year’s resolutions are a real thing. Unfortunately, only about 8% actually reach their goal each year. Historically gyms experience about a 25% increase in membership in January. However, by mid-February attendance is back to normal.  But, there are some simple things you can do to increase your chance of success….

Too Busy To Exercise?
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Too Busy To Exercise?

If you think you’re too busy to exercise, think again. Exercise will add years to your life. It’s been proven. Those additional years will be higher quality. You will be more likely to remain active and independent. Isn’t that what you want? If not, stop reading. Don’t misunderstand me. I get it. Sometimes 24 hours…