Watch Your Weight During the Holidays
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving…without indulging much more than you should have. Maybe you’ve been dreading this time of year because you managed to lose a few pounds, even drop a size or two. But now here we are in the middle of holiday season, and you’re worried about how you’re going to…
Nokia Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale Review
The sleek, black, (or white), Nokia Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale is a thumbs-up to modern technology. Get a full body composition analysis, track your weight goals, manage calories, and even get a weather forecast for the day. That last feature is great for runners and outdoor enthusiasts. You get all that and more with…
Christ Walk: A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program Book Review
Did you start the year with New Year’s Resolutions? Many of us set goals to take better care of ourselves, get healthier, lose weight, eat better, manage our time, pray/meditate daily, stop cursing at fellow drivers, etc. Health goals in particular appear at the top of lists year after year. Why? Because they’re important to…
Group Fitness Works!
Who wants to be more fit? Is it one of your goals this year to get healthier and more fit? Do you know that that will reduce your risk of stroke and Alzheimer’s? Many studies have shown that, regardless of your weight, you need to focus on fitness if you want to lower your health…
How NOT To Lose Weight
Did you put on a few pounds over the holidays? If so, you are not alone. It’s not the end of the world. But now it’s time to get rid of it. Carrying around extra pounds increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, diabetes and prediabetes, hypertension, STROKE, certain cancers, etc. It’s a long…
Diabetes, Prediabetes and Stroke Risk
Have you seen that commercial for Jardiance where the Jardiance spokesperson tells people on the street that those with Type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event like a heart attack, or stroke? It’s true. And just like in the commercial, it turns out that many don’t realize just how serious diabetes…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Here in the United States, today is Thanksgiving. We are going to think of all the things we’re thankful for. In addition to family and close friends, I hope everyone has good health. And while we’re considering health let’s think of what we can do to stay healthy or get healthier, even during the holidays….