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High or Low Tech, Make 2019 Your Year!

Commit yourself to getting healthier this year — day by day. No matter which step you need to work on, technology can help you get where you want to go. Some of you are high tech, others are low tech. Still others are somewhere in between. Which are you? No matter, there are gadgets and…

Top performing juicer
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5 Top Juicers

Juicers turn fresh produce and herbs into fresh, healthy, organic juice. Drink the juice as a meal replacement, or to go along with breakfast, lunch or dinner. Here are five of the top-rated juicers… Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor The Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus is by far one of the top-rated…

Body Weight Scale
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Nokia Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale Review

​ The sleek, black, (or white), Nokia Body+ Body Composition Wi-Fi Scale is a thumbs-up to modern technology. Get a full body composition analysis, track your weight goals, manage calories, and even get a weather forecast for the day. That last feature is great for runners and outdoor enthusiasts. You get all that and more with…

Walk More Sit Less
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Sit Less and Move More for a Healthier Heart and Brain

Sitting around may seem like a relaxing way to pass several hours. And working at a desk job all day might seem to be easier on your body than a job that calls for strenuous activity. But, although sitting for short periods can provide rest for your muscles, new studies show that people who sit…

Christ Walk
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Christ Walk: A 40-Day Spiritual Fitness Program Book Review

Did you start the year with New Year’s Resolutions? Many of us set goals to take better care of ourselves, get healthier, lose weight, eat better, manage our time, pray/meditate daily, stop cursing at fellow drivers, etc. Health goals in particular appear at the top of lists year after year. Why? Because they’re important to…

ADA Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook
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Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook Book Review

A diabetes diagnosis doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give up your favorite comfort foods. The American Diabetes Association has published an amazing collection of comfort food recipes that diabetics can enjoy each and every day. It’s written by Robyn Webb, M.S., an award-winning nutritionist. Webb writes a column and is the associate editor…

Diabetes Medical Alert Bracelet
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Diabetes Medical Alert Bracelet

Every day more people are diagnosed with diabetes and prediabetes. Are you one of them? If so, you can still live a normal, active life. But you need to make some changes to protect yourself. Eat right, exercise and monitor your blood glucose levels. Get your blood sugar levels under control because diabetes can contribute…

Race Walk Book
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Race Walk Clinic In A Book Book Review

Introduction Race Walk Clinic In A Book authors Jeff Salvage and Tim Seaman are the owners and operators of RaceWalkClinic.com. They also conduct what they call Clinics of Excellence, race walking clinics held at least 6 times a year across the United States. They have teamed up to write Race Walk Faster by Training Smarter:…

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ChiWalking: Fitness Walking for Lifelong Health and Energy Book Review

Walking is one of the most overlooked forms of exercise, and yet this activity can help people of all ages improve their overall health and fitness. In their fitness book titled “ChiWalking: Fitness Walking for Lifelong Health and Energy”, authors Danny and Katherine Dreyer share their knowledge of how to get the most out of…